As I sit with my freshly steeped cuppa tea, logging in, perusing and all the while listening with one ear to my girls play, I catch this exchange:
Jazmine: (Gasps) “Oh! Is your site okay?
Jenna: “Ya, it’s okay.”
Jazmine: “Oh, phew. Okay. Where were we?”
...and they continue playing without missing a beat.
I can only imagine, since I wasn’t able to actually see what happened, that Jenna’s site perhaps got caught on something, or someone, as they played. But what struck me was how diabetes is just another part of their “everyday”. And what really touched me was Jazmine’s genuine concern for her sister.
How did I get so lucky to have two crazy-cool kids?
Statistics show that when a crazy cool woman like yourself has children, those kids are in of themselves CRAZY COOL.
Kelly K
I love this. Them. The picture. Everything! Theyre awesome!!
Thanks guys! xo
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